“A Friendly Place To Worship”

Liberty Fellowship Church

1011 E. Holston Avenue
Johnson City, Tn. 37601
Telephone : 423.926.3301
Handicap Parking is available in front of the church.
Others may part along the street or in either of our two lots down the alleyway off Wall Street.
Service Times:
Sunday Morning Prayer Room  9:45 am
Sunday School  10:00 am
Morning Worship Service  11:00 am
Children’s Church  11:15 am
Sunday Evening  6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study  6:00 pm
Nursery provided for all services

                 We look forward to worshiping with you!

For more information about our church,  please contact:
  • Pastor: Dan Foster 423.330.2247
  • Secretary: Stacey Hubbard 423.483.4757



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